Sports Physical Requirements
Every Player must have a Health Physical Exam before he or she can practice in the fall.
These exams need to be completed AFTER April 15th, 2024.
These physicals are good for Junior High Sports and are valid until April 15th, 2025.
Its a good idea to make your own copy of this physical card.
Do not Mail this Form to the League, give a copy of this form to your Area VP.
Each Area VP will let their players know where and when to turn this form in.
MHSAA Physical Form
We require the Michigan High School Athletic Association (MHSAA) form for these physicals because it is consistent with the form used for school sports and it provides a parental release section.
Make sure to complete both pages of this form.
We will attempt to have physicals available for our players, but there is no guarantee that we will be able to.
If your local school is offering them make and effort to get them done there.
These exams need to be completed AFTER April 15th, 2024.
These physicals are good for Junior High Sports and are valid until April 15th, 2025.
Its a good idea to make your own copy of this physical card.
Do not Mail this Form to the League, give a copy of this form to your Area VP.
Each Area VP will let their players know where and when to turn this form in.
MHSAA Physical Form
We require the Michigan High School Athletic Association (MHSAA) form for these physicals because it is consistent with the form used for school sports and it provides a parental release section.
Make sure to complete both pages of this form.
We will attempt to have physicals available for our players, but there is no guarantee that we will be able to.
If your local school is offering them make and effort to get them done there.